Sanitized Mattress during Lockdown

Corona Virus has turned out to be a deadly virus and there is no sign of having a vaccine for Corona any time soon. While the lockdown is extending in every 15 days with few relaxations, it seems that people are not taking social-distancing seriously.

3 Hours
Surgical Mask
7 Day
24 Hours
4 Days

A study has shown different time span of virus living on a surface as mentioned here-
Hence, it is always advisable to keep the things you have bought outside your home for at least 24 hours to avoid the scope of getting infected.
From May 3, there is a relaxation on the working of few non-essential yet important items. However, they are required to follow social-distancing and other related steps to avoid contact with people. At Coirfit, the team makes sure that you get a sanitized mattress which gives you a healthy sleep environment. 

What is Coirfit Doing for its customer to Prevent COVID-19?

Till the time WHO comes up with a vaccine for Corona virus or even after that, Coirfit is putting in every effort to manufacture luxurious and natural mattresses infused with Herb Fresh Technology.

What is Herb Fresh Technology?

In this, the mattress is passed through a Laminar Airflow Chamber. This exposes the mattress to high pressure and UV rays that kill any bacteria or virus. Exposing the mattress to such a high-tech process makes it bacteria-free for its whole life span. Other than this, Herb Fresh Technology brings:

  • Prolonged product protection-Restrains the growth of Microbes from the mattresses binding cell wall.
  • Herb Fresh Treated Fabric-Prevents the birth of dust mite, fungus, bad odor and bacteria.
  • Inspired by the science and goodness of natural herbs- Green Seal in the mattress makes sure that your sleep environment is Hygienic and Healthy.
·         One of the mattresses made through Herb Fresh Technology is Aloe Vera Infused which has a natural healing and rejuvenating properties of Aloe Vera and has 3-layered foam which gives the perfect good night sleep. The unique treatment prevents the growth of bacteria and fungus making it the best-sanitized mattress. Aloe Vera mattress is not only good for your back but also boosts your energy level to keep you active and happy.

·         To beat the virus it is important that you have strong immunity, and good sleep plays a vital role in it.

·         Additionally, during the manufacturing process, our labor is using Masks, Gloves & Sanitizers. The dedicated staff is further reminded in every 2 hours to wash their hands. The team maintains a distance of 6 ft from each other while production, packing, etc. The whole manufacturing unit is sanitized TWICE a day. This makes the manufacturing process of UNTOUCHED MATTRESS complete.


  1. Nice Post
    I read this post and it is very Good Content. Keep Posting and update your blog. Pocket Spring Sanitized Mattress


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